Thursday, December 5, 2019

Final Presentation

Thanks for the feedback and yes I know  I went over 5 minutes, Sorry!!  :) 

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Parent communication

Assessment/parent communication

Class 123 is an parent/teacher communication app that allows parents to keep track on students' behavior which also helps teachers to form trust with parents as well.

This app allows you to view your child's progress and behavior throughout the day.


→You can also view class stories and photos on boards,as well as get important notices through announcements, and communicate via private messages.


  →←I love the fact that parents can also share all things happening at home once a week. This cool feature allows a better engagement between parent/teacher.

 Here are some feedback from some parents using this app:



      • Write on boards/Participate in quiz and polls 
      • Keep track of student’s behavior and attendance.
        Print, export and share with parents!
      • (When allowed by teacher)
      •  Send and receive private messages 
      • (When enabled by teacher) 
      • Home wow- Share child’s positive behavior at home 
      • Get updates on received cards.  
      • Read shared class stories
For information on resources on how click on resources
If interested in any other parent communication app, here is a comparison grid that will explain the different between them all.

                    Growth Plan