Thursday, December 5, 2019

Final Presentation

Thanks for the feedback and yes I know  I went over 5 minutes, Sorry!!  :) 


  1. Mercedes, Great job on your presentation. It is okay that you went over 5 min, I did too as it is hard to give an overview of the whole class in 5 min. I like your quote in the beginning of your presentation by Alan November. I like the information on the reading rocket apps and want to add it to my growth chart. I like how you related what we learned in class to how you teach adults in family childcare and learners in Spanish. Great idea to translate your blog into Spanish and continue it for education purposes. I hope to continue mine too.

  2. Actually the rubric says 5-10 min so you are perfect! Good for you for sharing what you learned about the apps to help your teachers. I also like how you mentioned how SAMR model has helped you to understand how to use technology in the classroom. I found this model very helpful too. I agree that music is a powerful educational tool... and using technology to hear music from all over the world is awesome. I am happy to hear that you are going to continue your blog and that you will translate it into Spanish as well. Great idea!

  3. Nice job using youtube! That was a great quote by John Dewey and makes us really think about how we have taught in the past and how to move ahead and use technology.

  4. Mercedes, I think it's a really great idea to translate your blog into Spanish! I think it's great how you want to continue to add to your blog and learn more about technology in the classroom!

  5. Good Job! I love the quote you added by John Dewey! It really hit me that we can't just think about now but also the future and how things are changing. I agree with everyone else, you should translate your blog into Spanish!

  6. Mercedes, Translating into Spanish is a great idea.The common theme among all our presentations was the fact that we felt frustrated before taking this class and are now a little more comfortable about tech in the classroom. Your quote from Dewey was spot on. As teachers we also need to keep learning in order to help our students be successful.

  7. Mercedes - great presentation! You are so right that our job is to prepare our students for today's world as well as tomorrow's world since things are changing so quickly. I think we were all a little nervous at the start of the class because our young students should be learning through play, but I think we have all come to the conclusion that incorporating some technology is necessary and beneficial.

  8. I think you should absolutely translate your blog into Spanish. It's great to see that you were able to teach others about applications that we learned about in class. This class was well worth it. Great job!

  9. So true that many 4 and 5 year olds are already quite tech-savvy, and we should help guide them to use what they are already familiar with in ways that are developmentally appropriate. I, too, appreciated the Dewey quote as a reminder that things are always changing and we need to not only keep up, but to stay ahead of it in order to incorporate those things that will be beneficial to our students and parents. Great job on your presentation!

  10. Mercedes- Great presentation! I agree with your statements that our students are the future. They are living in a world full of technology now, this is their life. Teachers do need to now be teaching technology to their advantage. After the WAP's I realized how valuable the students as a researcher app was to the preschool classroom.
    Yes, yes yes! You should absolutely translate your blog!

  11. I used YOUTUBE too for my presentation which I have not used before and it was so easy. I like how you said we have to prepare our children not only for the world today but the world of tomorrow. Technology is growing by the day so we have to embrace it and teach our children how to safely and responsibly use it.
    Great presentation!

  12. Mercedes, great presentation!

    I agree, we need to help our students gain certain skills to be successful in the future. And that means using TECHNOLOGY in the classroom. Yes, it is different from how we were taught in school, but times change!

    Using technology to help better parent communication is huge! Parents want to be updated have a sense of what is going on in their child’s class. I have not used Class 123 but it seems it would be a great app to use.

  13. Mercedes you are so right when you said that with teacher guidance students can direct their own learning while using technology. Like you mentioned the world is changing so we need to help prepare our students on how to use technology as it is such a big part of the world around them.

  14. Great job Mercedes! I love the fact that you are teaching family daycare owners how to use these apps! I also think translating your blog to Spanish will be helpful for so many people.

  15. Mercedes,
    great job connecting the readings, the apps and discussions into one blog. Translating the information into Spanish is a fantastic idea. It will reach broader audiences and keep everyone updated with the changes in technology and utilizing it in today's classrooms.

  16. Mercedes... I love love love how you are going to use the blog to help bilingual students, teachers, etc. What a great idea to take advantage of the blog to do that. : )

  17. I was also hesitant about incorporating technology into my classroom eventhough they were already familiar. What I didn't realize is that it was up to me to be the model of what research and tech collaboration looked like which is completely opposite from the isolating idea of tech games from their homelife. It is great that you have learned and will continue to use your blog in spanish and that you are able to incororate it into your everyday life! Good for you!

  18. Technology is a great tool for students that are bilingual as it uses a lot of imagery. Translating your blog into're on your way to global citizenship! That seems like a great way to take ownership of your knowledge and use to reach an audience that it previously would not, what a great way to redefine technology!


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