Monday, November 4, 2019

Global Citizen

What we need more than anything in today’s and tomorrow’s world is respect, understanding, appreciation of diversity and a global mindset. What we can do as parents and teachers to fill this need, is to ensure that our children grow up to become respectful global citizens. Knowing another language increases our reach and understanding, but it is not a must for becoming a globally-minded person.We need to start by exposing them to different music from around the world.

Language skills are very useful when it comes to learning to understand other cultures, so a list of resources to help with the learning is a given. I do recommend you to give some of these a go even if you do not know the language – it might spark an interest!

So, Lets start by introducing our children music from around the world!!

This Radio Station  contains the largest the largest directory of stations around the world. 
what I like about this station is that you can choose the country, genre and or station name if you know if it. It allows you to narrow it down to a desire list. Remember this are live radio stations so, you will have even people talking so, children will be expose to the speaking language. 

For example,  I choose a country above (Dominican Republic, and left the Genre option in blank, a full list of all different radio station from that particular country will show. Than, you can click on any of them. 
Since, I'm familiar with some of them I click on 
This is a Bachata radio station. 

                     ⏫⏫    On the bottom of each radio station it will tell you where is exactly the radio station is from, what city and what other genre they played.

How to use it with children in the classroom?!! 

First, see this video made by children from every corner of our globe (in may languages!) that explains what a global citizen is. Then click through the following links to read global perspectives on teaching global citizenship at home to kids around the world!

I will have the students work as pairs or as a group of two and have them listen to different type of music with a set of countries and have them discuss the differences or/and similarities among them. If you have a diverse group, you can pair the students according their background. 
Its very important kids learn that diversity is a wonderful thing and that we all of different cultures and beliefs and I think this site will  give them a sense of what type of music other countries listen to. 
Finally, have them share out with the class what kind of music their parents listen to at home..etc..
Its a simple exercise that can also be done as a "free choice hour", where kids have the option to listen to music and even dance if they choose to. I remember growing up back in the Dominican Republic, we use to listen to American music in school and non of us had a clue on what they were singing but we still enjoy it and later we were introduced to some English words and we all seems to grasp the content very quickly. 

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